The Society’s Constitution

Warsash Local History Society
To create, maintain and house a permanent historical archive of Warsash and its environs in documentary, photographic, film, video, sound, or any other appropriate medium, and to collect and house relevant artefacts.
To encourage research into, and stimulate interest in the history of Warsash and its environs.
To provide a social focus for people interested in their local history, and to organise appropriate talks, outings, and displays.
The Society is managed by a committee of members elected at the Annual General Meeting. It consists of a chairman, a secretary, a treasurer, and at least five other members, all acting as trustees of its archives, collections, and funds, and it may co-opt two other members if required. Nominations for committee membership should be sent in writing to the secretary at least five days before the AGM.
The committee has powers to raise funds, receive donations and grants, to apply funds to achieve the objectives of the Society, to cooperate with and support organisations with similar aims, and to do anything which is necessary and lawful to achieve the Society’s purposes.
A person may become a member by completing an application form and paying a subscription fee fixed annually by the committee. The annual subscription is due at the date of the Annual General Meeting and membership lapses if payment is not made within two months. The committee may remove a person’s membership if it is in the best interests of the Society.

An Annual General Meeting is held each autumn. At least 20% of the membership must be present and every member has one vote. The officers present for approval by the members a report of the Society’s work for the year, together with the annual accounts. Committee members are elected or re-elected. Minutes must be taken.
At least half the committee must be present. Decisions are taken by a simple majority vote and minutes must be taken. If a member has a conflict of interest, (s)he must declare it and leave the meeting while the matter is discussed. The committee may make reasonable rules for the conduct of the Society, provided they are not in conflict with this constitution or the law.
Money and property may be used solely for the furtherance of the Society’s objectives, and accounts must be kept. Reasonable out-of-pocket expenses incurred by members on behalf of the Society may be reimbursed. Cheques must be signed by two committee members.
If it is necessary to change the constitution or to wind up the Society, or if requested by a majority of members or at the initiative of the committee, a General Meeting must be arranged by the committee giving members fourteen days notice and advising the reason for the meeting. All decisions require a two thirds majority and minutes must be kept. Constitutional changes may also be made at the AGM. In the event of winding up, any money and property remaining after the settlement of the Society’s debts must be transferred to an organisation with broadly similar purposes to the Society’s.

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